Thursday, January 9, 2020

Oedipus Fate Essay - 1478 Words

Are people responsible for their actions or is it fate? Is fate inescapable? A persons fate is the events that are destined to happen to them. Fate is decided the moment someone is born. People cannot change their fate and it is unavoidable. Throughout the Greek tragedy, Oedipus the King, the hero, Oedipus often tries to run away from what he is destined to do only because of his ignorance to his situation. Throughout the entire play, the conflict of Man versus Fate is often seen as everyone tries to avoid what is fated upon them. Oedipus’s parents, Jocasta and Laius, were told by the gods that their son, Oedipus, would grow up to kill his father and marry his mother, a terrible fate. In the play, Jocasta tells of a prophecy given to†¦show more content†¦While talking to Jocasta, Oedipus tells of Polybus and Merope who he had believed to be his parents, â€Å"At a fest, a drunken man/Cries out that I am not my father’s son/The next day I visited/My father and mother, and questioned them/calling it all the slanderous rant of a fool† (1.2.251-56). Oedipus heard of a man saying that Polybus and Merope were not really Oedipus parents when Oedipus tried to confront his adoptive parents the lied to him telling him it was untrue and let Oedipus believe that he was really their son. Oedipus believed his adoptive parents to be is true birth parents. He had no idea who his real birth parents were due to Polybus and Merope deceiving him. Oedipus was oblivious to who he was and where he was f rom he was unknowing to the fact he was supposed to be killed at birth by his true parents to prevent a prophecy. Oedipus learned of the prophecy then ran away from Corinth as he did not wish to harm his adoptive parents. Oedipus tells of the time he went to the a shrine to ask if Polybus and Merope were really his parents, he said, â€Å"I went to the shrine of Delphi/the god dismayed my question/he spoke of other things/full of wretchedness/that I should lie with my own mother, breed/and that I should be my fathers murder/I heard all this, and fled† (1.2.261-68). When Oedipus went to ask of his parents he insead learned that he was fated to kill his own father and breed with his mother,Show MoreRelatedOedipus Fate And Fate Essay777 Words   |  4 PagesFate as defined by the Merriam Webster dictionary is ‘an inevitable and often adverse outcome, condition, or end’. Sophocles discusses fate vs free will in his plays. 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