Thursday, October 24, 2019

Intrapersonal effectiveness

Definite aim, vision and repose are three attributes out of a long list that have been deemed â€Å"Qualities that make ordinary people extraordinary' Monsoon, M. C. And Hager, P , 2008). As a result, in this portfolio, I will conduct an indented analysis of my own interpersonal strengths and weaknesses in relation to those attributes that are likely to assist me in my perusal of success, and those attributes that are likely to assist me in my own career path as an investment banker.More specifically, I will be focusing on a reelection of my interpersonal effectiveness using the NEO ‘PIP measure of personality and associate these to my life experience. In conjunction to this, I also identify how I intend to build such attributes in regards to my career goals, which will be done in relation to the â€Å"SMART† criteria. 2. Interpersonal Effectiveness The definition of interpersonal effectiveness is given as ‘understanding yourself (and your goals, strengths, weakne sses, style and biases) and improving self-management skills, such as time management and stress management. (De Janis, Wood, Gotcha, Dodd & Schneider, 2006, p. 3). The detailed intricacies of interpersonal effectiveness will be cross examined through the use of the Big Five, a highly accurate hero based on the personality and performance of an individual. 2. 1 The Big Five An individuals personality can be defined as â€Å"the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make a person unique. It arises from within the individual and remains fairly consistent throughout life†, (Genera Cherry, 2014).Personality is commonly seen as being made up off number of attributes which can be defined as vast dimensions on which people vary, such as conscientiousness. Knowing which category we fit into in regards to major personality traits is likely to aid us in our pursuit to reach our personal and professional goals. Many contemporary personality psychologists beli eve that there are five basic dimensions of personality, often referred to as the â€Å"Big five† personality traits.The five broad personality traits described by the theory are extroversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neurotics, (Genera Cherry, 2014). It has been observed over time that certain personality traits can result in greater success in life on both a personal and professional level. In relation to investment banking, personality traits such as being resilient, charming and flexible have all been shown to align with 2. Analysis and reflection of results My personality test scores (see Table 1 below) show that I am high in extroversion and conscientiousness but low in Neurotics.This result labels me as an individual whose traits include characteristics such as excitability, sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness and high amounts of emotional expressiveness in the extroversion category, and high levels of thoughtfulness, with good impulse cont rol and goal- directed behaviors in the conscientiousness (Costa & McCrae, 1999). From both my personal and professional experience, I can see a strong connection between the rats of a extroversion and conscientiousness individual and myself.In the past I have been regarded as social and assertive (almost overpowering), but also a friend who is willing to help others solve their personal problems, all of which are characteristics of extroversion and conscientiousness. In terms of neurotics, I also feel as if the low score was an accurate scaling for me as I am a very positive young member of society who is blessed with the opportunities and success that life has presented me with so far. Table 1.NEO-PIP Results Dimension My score Neurotics 15/50 Extroversion 43/50 Openness to Experience 9/50 Agreeableness 27/50 Conscientiousness 35/50 that I do poses extroversion qualities which will help me in my pursuit to become a successful investment banker, but I also poses qualities such as c ompassion and thoughtfulness which might pull me back, (Sarah Butcher, 2013). Investment banking can be a cut throat industry where your personal decisions can determine the future of hundreds of peoples Jobs. If I let my conscientious traits get in the way of the bigger picture, I might not be able to perform at the top of the league.Although it might be perceived as a negative attribute, it is possible that to be successful in my reflections career, I need to learn to be less compassionate and let situations take on there natural course without trying to fix them myself. I plan on doing this by goal setting using the SMART criteria, and Kola's experiential learning theory. 2. 3 Goal setting My personal goal is to improve on the core elements of the trait â€Å"conscientiousness†, but rather than trying to increase my depth in this field, I intend to decrease my score on the NEO ‘PIP test over a period of twelve months.By doing so I will score low in all traits except Extroversion, which is where I need to be to excel and match the resonantly of a successful investment banker. By using SMART goals and experiential learning theory (Kola, 1984), I believe that I can set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely goal of decreasing my conscientiousness to a score of below 25 on the NEO ‘PIP test. I aim on doing this by actively implementing a reflective learning method that will decrease amounts of sympathy, compassion and the need to solve issues that don't directly affect me.I will implement this plan using Kola's experiential learning theory (Salesman, C. K. , & Rider, E. A. (2008). This involves; 1. Understanding the importance f emotional intelligence in all aspects of life. 1. 1 . Self-awareness: Understanding and mastering my own emotions and being aware of their origins. 1. 2. Self- management: knowing my boundaries, only get involved in situations that will directly affect my personal and professional performance. 1. 3. Soc ial awareness: Becoming familiar with recognizing hierarchy within groups and knowing when to take control of a situation. . 4. Relationship management: Learning the ability to become unanimously liked by social groups, manage conflict, inspire and influence people to communicate clearly. 2. Join a real work group in a study area with a clear performance goal. 3. Incorporating communication strategies in the first group meeting, including 3. 1 Not blindly rejecting opinions or options that seem weak or lack creativity. 3. 2 Not forcing my ideas onto others, use â€Å"l suggest† or â€Å"l propose†. 4.Examining my behavior and performance by creating a reflective Journal at the end of each meeting, and seek constructive criticism to enhance my learning procedure and gain a higher understanding of the impression I leave behind. 5. Reflecting on my overall performance of the process and repeating all steps in a second work rope if necessary. Throughout this portfolio, I h ave reflected on my interpersonal attributes, and have set specific SMART goals to solve the primary imperfection identified (higher levels of conscientiousness than needed for an investment banker).First, I assessed my interpersonal effectiveness through the use of the Big Five model of personality. Second, I evaluated the likely implications of these attribute scores for both my personal and my professional success. Third, I identified one detailed SMART goal, which focused on decreasing my empathy, compassion and need to resolve issues hat don't directly affect me, and provided a detailed outline to show how I intend to meet this goal.In conclusion, I believe that although decreasing my conscientiousness might mean that I come across as a slightly less caring person, in the long run it will help me achieve my professional goal of becoming a successful investment banker.

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