Monday, December 23, 2019

Security Sector Reform in Afghanistan - 841 Words

Security Sector Reform (SSR) first emerged in the 1990s around Eastern Europe. SSR can help fix dysfunctional security sectors in countries emerging from years of internal warfare. The armed forces and police embrace a new mission of meeting the human security needs of their population. SSR targets all state institutions and ensures the security of the state and its people. Security Sector Reform is optional as well as a â€Å"normative concept.† Afghanistan is working on SSR and it is an ongoing struggle for the countries. The goal of SSR in the countries is to organize a way to achieve peace so that the people may not fear the armed soldiers and establish democratic control. Security Sector Reform contributes to sustainable peace in Afghanistan in many ways. Afghanistan is struggling to sustain the peace; however, Security Sector Reform is the best way for them to head. SSR will not work out smoothly unless fairness and economic needs are met in the countries. Foreign aid a nd economic development agencies say that foreign aid will not sustain economic development unless the aid is distributed equitably and unless threshold conditions of domestic security have been met, even if effectively utilized in the recipient countries (Kurian). A large security sector is a drain on the limited resources of developing countries. It would be more beneficial to use the resources in certain programs that improve the lives of the people. The reform will therefore last longer and peace canShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Usaid s Enterprise Transition Plan Essay1144 Words   |  5 Pagesand reinforcing existing business and IT capabilities through a development information system (DIS). 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Dysfunctional Relationships Between Sonny’s Blues and Shiloh Free Essays

Jeremy Raymond Professor Gazzara ENG 102-109 April 6th, 2013 It Takes Two To Tango What makes a relationship dysfunctional? Is it the changes one sees in another whether they be physical, emotional, or financial? Is it a change in their own personality that is now changing their views on their family member or significant other? Tina B. Tessina defines a dysfunctional relationship as this: Dysfunctional Relationships are relationships that do not perform their appropriate function; that is, they do not emotionally support the participants, foster communication among them, appropriately challenge them, or prepare or fortify them for life in the larger world. (Tessina 1) In â€Å"Sonny’s Blues† and â€Å"Shiloh†, we see two different types of dysfunctional relationships. We will write a custom essay sample on Dysfunctional Relationships Between Sonny’s Blues and Shiloh or any similar topic only for you Order Now In â€Å"Shiloh† we see a marriage relationship between Norma Jean and Leroy Moffit. In â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†, we see a brotherhood relationship between Sonny and his brother. These relationships are considered dysfunctional based on the actions and lack of actions based on those involved. In Mason’s â€Å"Shiloh†, the relationship between Leroy and Norma Jean was off to a good start. They have been married sixteen years and had a kid named Randy. Randy passed away from sudden infant death syndrome at a very young age. We can infer through the text that both Norma Jean and Leroy were left traumatized by this. The death of a child can leave a person traumatized and shook-up for the rest of their lives. The couple’s relationship takes a turn south due to numerous reasons. One reason being Norma Jeans newfound lifestyle. Ever since Leroy suffered his accident, She has morphed into the manly figure of the household. She’s starting to lift weights to strengthen herself up. Leroy is now observing changes in Norma Jean he has never seen before. In addition to lifting weights at home, she is now attending a body building class which puzzles Leroy. Through Leroy’s eyes, she is already a changed woman. Besides for Norma Jeans’ newfound physical changes in herself, she is also attending night classes. Norma Jean is also developing sleep patterns that concern not only Leroy but also Mabel, her mother. Mabel in a conversation with Leroy states â€Å"She used to go to bed with the chickens. Now you say she’s up all hours. † (73). The quote shows how both Leroy, her husband who’s loved her for the past sixteen years and Mabel, her own mother are worried and confused by her new patterns in life. In addition to changes in Norma Jean, Leroy has undergone changes as well. Since he had his accident, he is unable to drive tractor trailers across the country anymore. He is now cooped up inside of the house because of his injury. He has developed a hobby for building crafts and has turned that into a plan with blueprints to build a full scale log cabin. The thought of the cabin disgusts Norma Jean, where in a conversation between Leroy, Norma Jean, and Mabel, Leroy states, â€Å"I’m aiming to build us a log house† (70). Norma Jean quickly responds to Leroy with â€Å"Like heck you are† (70). She clearly shows her disapproval with his plan. We as readers can interpret that Leroy is a man stuck in the past and Norma Jean has evolved into a new woman. We see an attempt at resolving the dysfunctional couples relationship when they take a trip to Shiloh. Leroy is trying to hold onto the love of his life while Norma Jean is trying to free herself and move on to bigger and better things in life. She has changed her life, physically and mentally and Leroy has done nothing with his life which is why she is leaving him. The attempt at reconciliation fails terribly and Norma Jean and Leroy split paths and go on with their separate lives. In â€Å"Sonny’s Blues† we see another dysfunctional relationship, this time between brothers. The narrator of the story, is the brother of Sonny. A schoolteacher in Harlem, he has grown up around men and women who have suffered from alcoholism, drug addictions and many more problems. Similar to Leroy from â€Å"Shiloh†, he is a family man also reeling from the loss of their youngest child, Grace. The death of their child spurred the brother into writing to his troubled brother Sonny. Sonny was the younger brother of the two who has been through many difficult life lessons throughout his short life so far. Sonny has suffered from a heroin addiction which landed him in a local jail which further weakened the bond between the two brothers. Sonny’s brother has lived in Harlem and has seen heroin addicts and victims of alcoholism and has showed no remorse for them. We see Sonny’s brothers intolerance for the men around Harlem who suffer from an addiction when he is talking to an old friend of Sonny’s after he leaves the school one day. â€Å"Look. Don’t tell me your sad story, if it was up to me, I’d give you one. † (294). This shows how Sonny’s brother is indifferent regarding people who have suffered from a addiction. While Sonny was in jail, the relationship continued to dwindle. After Sonny’s release from prison, their relationship began to heal. In addition to his drug addiction, Sonny’s inability to decide on a career in life irritates his brother. Sonny’s aspirations spread as far as India, a military job stationed throughout the world , and/or landing a job as a musician in his hometown of Harlem. This inconsistency of Sonny enrages his older brother, who has made a promise with their mother to look after him and make sure he grows up to be a proper man. In contrast to the relationship between Norma Jean and Leroy, Sonny and his brothers relationship is able to rebuild after a time of hardship between the two. Sonny is able to recover fully from his heroin addiction and begin to get his life back on track. In addition to cutting his heroin addiction, he makes a life decision regarding his future and chooses to become a musician in Harlem. The theme of dysfunctional relationships is present in both stories with very different endings. In â€Å"Shiloh†, we see a relationship between two married people end abruptly. Leroy, the man stuck in the past and holding on to what he knows and Norma Jean, the woman who has changed everything about herself. Opposites do not attract and the marriage ceased to continue after their visit to the Shiloh battlefield. In â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†, the brotherhood relationship between Sonny and his brother is able to recover and progress due to the changes Sonny has made with himself. Works Cited Tessina, Tina. â€Å"What Is A Dysfunctional Relationship? †Ã‚  What Is A Dysfunctional Relationship? N. p. , n. d. Web. 09 Apr. 2013 Mason, Bobbie Ann. Shiloh. N. p. : Flamingo, 1988. Print. Baldwin, James. Sonny’s Blues. Mankato, MN: Creative Education, 1993. Print. How to cite Dysfunctional Relationships Between Sonny’s Blues and Shiloh, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Toys Essay Research Paper ToysWhen I was free essay sample

Toys Essay, Research Paper Playthings When I was a kid I could merely hold dream of holding playthings like they do today. With the engineering promotions and new innovations that they have today the plaything companies can do playthings that walk, talk, and larn all on their ain. Turning up as a kid I played with playthings such as small fictile plaything soldiers, metal Tonka trucks, a assortment of plaything animate beings which were either made of plastic or stuffed and you had to utilize your imaginativeness to feign that they could speak and listen to you. We besides had this picture game called Atari. Technology has had the biggest consequence on the alteration of the plaything from my childhood to the playthings today. When I was younger we played the Atari. It was a large box, which looked like the overseas telegram boxes of today that hook up to your Television. We will write a custom essay sample on Toys Essay Research Paper ToysWhen I was or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It had two control sticks, which had one button on it. The game cartridges were boxlike and they had unidimensional degrees. Today with layer engineering we have the Sony Playstation which is smaller in size, and the games are on CD? s. The degrees are 3-dimensional and you have a accountant with several different buttons and it shakes during the game to do it look realistic. Technology has besides effected the plaything autos and trucks of my childhood yearss. When I was a kid I used to have on out the articulatio genuss in every brace of bloomerss I owned forcing about small autos and Tonka trucks. Now they have remote control autos that use wireless signals to travel on their ain. With the push of a button you can do them turn, travel directly or change by reversal. It is battery operated, the battery operates the wireless signal from the accountant in your manus to the aerial on the auto. Today they have playthings that can walk, talk, and larn on their ain. With the assistance of computing machine french friess that can be programmed to make certain thing or shop memory. This enables them to speak ; they are programmed to state certain things. Now they have made the Furby which can really pickup things that you say process it and state it back to you. These are much more advanced than the toy animate beings of my childhood. Now they have come out with a plaything called Giga pet. This plaything is like a pet, you have to feed, bathe, nurse, and take attention of it. If you don? t the pet will decease and you will hold to get down the game over. If engineering has advanced toys this much in approximately ten old ages it will frighten you to believe what is to come the following 10 old ages. You neer know playthings may even take over the universe.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Kiss And Hype Essays - Kiss, Wicked Lester, Peter Criss, Ace Frehley

Kiss And Hype Hype is defined as promotional publicity of an extravagant or contrived kind. It is used to lure the consumer to a certain product or an event of some kind. The competition for the consumer's attention is intense and even desperate at times. Throughout the 1970's, there was a vast machinery of hype surrounding the music industry. Some of what came out of it was original and imaginative, but some was deceptive and outrageous. Whatever it was, it was all aimed at the consumer. The rock group Kiss has been performing for over twenty-six years. In that time, they have sold over ninety million albums, amassed legions of fans, and sold out stadiums around the world. There is a reason for the extraordinary success of Kiss. It has something to do with their music, but it has more to do with the way they are hyped and packaged. So lets unwrap that package. In 1972, Gene Simmons was a sixth grade school teacher in New York City. With guitarist Paul Stanley, he formed a band called Wicked Lester that played in small clubs and bars around New York. That band quickly failed. "Wicked Lester just wasn't the deadly rock n' roll assault squad they had always wanted" (Kitts 12). But Simmons and Stanley felt they could and would become stars. They invested in some large equipment and decided to start a major rock band. From the hordes of drummers, they chose Peter Criss, who had been advertising himself in New York newspapers. They auditioned over thirty guitarists and chose Ace Frehley, who had been delivering liquor for a living. The band was formed and now came the time to sell it. The key step was to persuade Bill Aucoin, director of the television show Flipside, to take over the management of the band. Kiss emphasized style over substance and went heavy on trappings. Makeup came first. It set them apart from everyone else and gave them an aura of mystery. Each member developed his own alter ego. It was the first of many Kiss gimmicks that worked. The costumes came next, complete with black leather, aluminum studs, and seven-inch platform heels. They never allowed themselves to be photographed out of character. "The hype was self-perpetuating. The more Kiss's identities were shielded, the more interest there was in trying to photograph them" (Lendt 40). By 1978, Kiss was the highest grossing live act in the world. Their concerts became main attractions for millions of people. Kiss's formula for success was simple: hit the audience so hard, with a barrage of gimmicks, stunts, and theatrics, that they will not be able to forget you. Everything was intended to project power. The double s's at the end of the Kiss logo were designed to look like lightening bolts. The stage was equipped with drum risers, platforms, and a towering electric sign with a gigantic lit up Kiss logo. A high point, or "hype" point, in the show came when Gene Simmons, the demon, would breathe fire. Another "hype" point would come when Simmons vomited blood. For Kiss, their concerts were the best commercials for their albums. Kiss had to make their way in the 1970's without the help of radio. There were virtually no stations in the country that would play their music. Instead, they promoted themselves in other ways. They permitted no promotional possibility to slip away. Kiss sold t-shirts, hats, belt buckles, puzzles, dolls, jackets, pictures, posters, comic books, and virtually any and everything they could put their logo on. "In some ways it epitomized just how big and different we were that a lot of other bands" (Stanley, Kiss Extreme Close-up). They used all of this promotion to sell records. In the music business, this sort of thing is called, not without reason, exploitation. Kiss is one of the best examples of hype in the music industry. Without their image, along with the package, they might not have ever made it out of the clubs and bars. Few imitators have attempted to copy or adapt the Kiss formula's obvious appeal, and certainly none have surpassed Kiss's success at capitalizing on that formula. In time, Kiss may one day be permanently enshrined as a theme park ride, a Las Vegas casino attraction, or some other modern era mass entertainment spectacle: which is what Kiss was all about in the first place. Bibliography Kitts, Jeff. Kisstory. Los Angeles: Kisstory Ltd., 1994. Lendt, C. K. Kiss and Sell: The Making of a Supergroup. New York: Billboard Books, 1997. Kiss Extreme Close-up.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Cultural Dilemma in the US Postal Service Essays

Cultural Dilemma in the US Postal Service Essays Cultural Dilemma in the US Postal Service Essay Cultural Dilemma in the US Postal Service Essay Essay Topic: In the Us There are legion cultural differences in our societies as a consequence of the legion diverse civilizations that people belong to. Each civilization has its ain ways of making things with different cultural norms. values. perceptual experiences. every bit good as behaviours. Peoples from certain civilizations will pattern the values. norms and perceptual experiences that their civilizations belief in and hence will stop up holding troubles when interacting with people from different civilizations who will hold differing cultural norms. values and perceptual experiences. These cultural differences are manifested in the workplace as different people from different civilizations come together to work together for the common end of the establishment or organisation they work for. Since our cultural values and norms act upon our single apprehensions and perceptual experiences. people will respond otherwise towards events and fortunes that could happen within us and in the environment. These differences in perceptual experiences will impact how employees within an organisation will interact with each other and work in harmoniousness so as to fulfill the demands of the organization’s stakeholders. As such. cultural differences are a major concern for directors within organisations as they could assist the organisation accomplish its aims or impede it from accomplishing them. The aims of an organisation are set in topographic point by its stakeholders who have invested in the organisation in one manner or the other and expect to derive from such an investing in future. It is hence the duty of directors to happen a manner in which the employees within an organisation can work together in a seamless mode despite their differences in civilization so as to guarantee the organisation operates continually for the common good of all stakeholders. The United States Postal Service The Postal Service is an bureau authorized by the fundamental law of the United States and is responsible for the proviso of postal services to the whole of the United States. Established in 1775 in Philadelphia by Benjamin Franklin through the passage of a edict passed by the 2nd Continental Congress. it experienced minimum growing and was subsequently transformed in to its current signifier as an independent organisation through the sign language of the postal reorganisation act of 1970 by President Nixon. As an independent organisation. the postal service is self sufficient and does non trust on taxpayer’s money for its operations. The Postal Service’s mission is to offer the American people with sure wide-reaching postal services that are at low-cost monetary values. As such. the Postal Service is the lone bringing service within the United States with the duty of supplying all of the assorted characteristics of a cosmopolitan postal service at moderately priced rates. The Postal Service conveys about 660 million mails to about 142 million bringing topographic point around the United States. Although the postal service enjoys a monopoly as contained in Article I. ( 8 ) . ( 7 ) of the Constitution that grants the Postal Service with the particular right to do bringing of letters in add-on to the power to curtail the entree to mailbox that are entirely meant for mail. Its major rivals are United Parcel Service and FedEx. The postal service manages 32. 741 station offices within the United States with a labour force of approximately 656. 000 employees. Cultural differences of direction and how they affect the US Postal Service The United States is a state that is full of cultural diverseness with different cultural patterns based on the legion cultural groups that live in the United States. The employees working in the postal service are drawn from these different cultural groups. As such. directors at the postal service have to cover with these differences efficaciously so as to guarantee continues success of the organisation. In making so. directors need to be cognizant of and understand the seven dimensions of civilization developed by Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner detailed in their book Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding Diverseness in Global Business. Below is a treatment of these seven dimensions. Universalism v/s Particularism This dimension is based on the position of how a civilization perceives regulations and relationships. Cultures that embrace universalism hold the belief that general regulations. values. codifications. norms and criterions take penchant over other peculiar demands. claims of friendly relationship and other dealingss. In a society that is universalistic. the regulations normally apply every bit to all of the members of the existence ( Trompenaars A ; Hampden-Turner. 1998 ) . Exceptions to these regulations are deemed as to weaken them. Universalism is based on happening regulations that take a wide and general image. In the event that there lacks a regulation that fits for carry throughing something. universalism advocates for taking the option of set uping the most appropriate regulation. Cultures that embracing Particularism perceive the ideal civilization as 1 that is based on human friendly relationship. and intimate relationships. Peoples in these civilizations view the spirit of the jurisprudence as being more important than the missive of the jurisprudence. This has the consequence that when the regulations within a civilization take a perfect tantrum. people in such a civilization will judge the instance based on the advantages of the jurisprudence alternatively of trying to coerce the regulation to suit. Rules and ordinances within particularistic civilizations simply codify how people are supposed to associate to one another. Individualism v/s Communitarianism This dimension is based on the position of how members of a civilization maps. whether in groups or as persons. Individuality has a footing on rights that appertain to an person. This is normally experienced in communities that have loose ties linking their members ensuing in an outlook of persons to look after themselves. Individualism is aimed at giving persons the right to personal infinite every bit good as the freedom of making things as per single liking ( Trompenaars A ; Hampden-Turner. 1998 ) . It permits each person to develop or neglect on an single footing. every bit good as comprehending group-focus as striping the individual of their absolute rights. Individualist civilizations are more narcissistic and give accent to their personal ends. Peoples ensuing from individualistic civilizations have a leaning of believing merely on personal footing. Communitarianism or Bolshevism is based on rights that appertain to a group. Corporate civilizations normally place a batch of emphasize on groups and are more concerned with the whole instead than on the individual person. Harmony every bit good as trueness within a group are really imperative and ought to be maintained ever ( Trompenaars A ; Hampden-Turner. 1998 ) . Confrontations of any sort are extremely avoided with people utilizing looks and phrases that would depict an statement in less negative mode. Stating no to others is considered to be incorrect and deemed as a manner of destructing the harmoniousness found within these groups. Impersonal v/s Emotional Emotional or impersonal positions are used in the description of how civilizations articulate their emotions. Emotional civilizations articulate their emotions in a natural manner ( Trompenaars A ; Hampden-Turner. 1998 ) . This is witnessed in reactions that occur immediately through verbal and/or non-verbal agencies such as mimic every bit good as organic structure signals. Members of the emotional civilization unlike those in the impersonal civilization show a inclination of overreaction making scenes. Emotional civilizations are normally focused on the person and seldom on the object or place of treatment. It is considered to be alright for one to utilize emotional intelligence when doing determinations. It is besides all right for people to demo assorted signifiers of physical contact while in public and during the communicating procedure. The impersonal civilization tends to avoid exposing emotions publicly. This is based on the fact that impersonal civilizations do non uncover what they are believing in a manner that is more precise every bit good as direct ( Trompenaars A ; Hampden-Turner. 1998 ) . This is an facet that has the likeliness of taking to misinterpretations. This is because emotions of a certain sort may non needfully show a certain state of affairs. Impersonal civilizations normally appear to be instead reserved. an facet that can non be viewed as an indicant of their disinterest or ennui. This visual aspect of reserve is based on deficiency of emotional tone. On a general position they harbor feelings of uncomfortableness over contact in public resulting in a manner of communicating that is more elusive therefore doing it difficult for members of another civilization to understand. Specific vs. diffuse Specific civilizations are those that normally have a little country reserved for privateness and its separated from the public life. Peoples in these societies have many interactions with the outside universe and are invariably involved in such activities such as socialising in assorted countries that involve many people. Peoples from these civilizations have a instead little sum of privateness preferring to portion at that place involvements with others who are within their groups of socialisation ( Trompenaars A ; Hampden-Turner. 1998 ) . Peoples from such a civilization trade with particulars and will see the whole as a amount of these specific parts. The life of an person is divided into several specific parts and one trades with one portion at a clip. Conversely. diffuse civilizations are normally concerned with keeping people’s privateness. Peoples in these civilizations will avoid any sort of confrontations in the populace and have a high grade of privateness preferring to portion merely a little sum of their private life with other people particularly aliens ( Trompenaars A ; Hampden-Turner. 1998 ) . Peoples from diffuse civilizations normally start with the whole before traveling down to the assorted parts that make it up. Each of the parts is viewed in the point of view of the whole sum with all of these parts being related to one another. These people prefer properties and behaviours that help construct trust and honestness furthering the edifice of strong relationships. Achievement vs. attribution This dimension is concerned with the position accorded to persons within civilizations. In civilizations that are achievement oriented. the position of an person is based on the achievements that one has achieved and accomplished. Persons from these civilizations gain their position from the assorted things that they have accomplished on their ain ( Trompenaars A ; Hampden-Turner. 1998 ) . A individual with such a position has to demo prove of what he or she is deserving with the assorted powerful places within the civilization being accorded to people who have certain achievements. In civilizations that are attribution oriented. the position of an person is based on the groups that one is associated with. In ascriptive societies. persons gain their position chiefly through birth. gender. wealth. or age ( Trompenaars A ; Hampden-Turner. 1998 ) . A individual who has an ascribed position does non needfully hold to carry through something so as to continue his position since his or her position is accorded based on his or her being. Sequential vs. synchronic This dimension is concerned with the attitude of a civilization towards clip. Peoples who are from consecutive civilizations tend to transport out one thing at a clip in a consecutive mode. They examine clip as distinguishable. and made up of back-to-back divisions which are both touchable and divisible ( Trompenaars A ; Hampden-Turner. 1998 ) . Peoples from these civilizations strongly prefer to be after for their clip and will maintain to these programs one time they made them so as to help in execution. Any clip committednesss that one might hold are normally taken earnestly and remaining on agenda is considered an of import facet of clip direction. Consecutive people in peculiar topographic point a batch of importance on the value of finishing of undertakings. Conversely. people from civilizations that are synchronous normally perform several undertakings at a clip. These civilizations view clip is a changeless flow that allows many things and undertakings to be carried out at the same time ( Trompenaars A ; Hampden-Turner. 1998 ) . Time is perceived as a force that one can non be able to incorporate or command. Time is besides regarded every bit flexible every bit good as intangible. Time committednesss are frequently desirable but non absolute with programs that people could be holding being easy changed. Internal vs. external control This dimension is concerned with the attitude of a civilization towards the environment. In internal civilizations. people normally posses a mechanistic mentality of nature. They perceive nature as an intricate machine and which can be directed if one has the right expertness needed to make so. Peoples from these societies do non believe in the being of fortune or any signifier of predestination ( Trompenaars A ; Hampden-Turner. 1998 ) . These people are directed towards the interior as one’s personal determination is normally deemed to be the starting place for each action that they will make. They besides believe that one can populate the sort of life that he or she wants to populate if that are in a place to take advantage of the legion chances that might come on the manner. In add-on. they believe that adult male is capable of ruling nature if he wishes to make so. . In external civilizations. people normally posses an organic mentality of nature. They perceive that world is one of the forces of nature and should therefore operate in one agreement and harmoniously with the remainder of the environment. These civilizations hold the believe that adult male should repress to nature every bit good as get along with the other forces bing within the environment ( Trompenaars A ; Hampden-Turner. 1998 ) . These people do non believe in their ability of determining their ain fate but instead speculate that nature moves in instead cryptic ways therefore one can non neer cognize what is traveling to go on in the hereafter. As such. their actions are directed externally to the environment and are adapted to the external fortunes environing them. Decision Based on these seven dimensions. the American civilization is individualistic. accomplishment. emotional. internal. consecutive. universalistic. and specific. These dimensions have several deductions that directors need to see in order to do certain that the employees are able to work in a mode that benefits the organisation every bit good as themselves particularly in a big organisation such as the postal service that employs over 600. 000 employees. In add-on. due to the cultural diverseness nowadays in the United States and the growing of globalisation. there are legion citizens from different civilizations in the United States that do non follow these seven dimensions of the American civilization and hence follow different facets of the seven dimensions. With the postal service being a national bureau that offers employment to all citizens irrespective of their cultural backgrounds. directors need to guarantee that the employees are able to work in a mode that benefits the organisation. This will necessitate the directors to construct cultural understanding through: Building consciousness of cultural differences. Educating the employees on the assorted strengths and restrictions of different civilizations within the workplace Educating the employees on the Building skills the impact of cultural differences within the workplace Educating the employees on assorted adaptative behaviours that could assist them to recognize valuable consequences within a puting with cultural differences. Building integrity and consistence through squad working Developing a shared apprehension and vision between the employees Establishing effectual communicating channels amongst the employees to ease choice exchange of thoughts between themselves Establishing feedback mechanisms aimed at reexamining and bettering the employee’s consciousness of cultural differences. In add-on. the directors need to come up with schemes that will enable the postal service to vie efficaciously. This will necessitate them to actively develop: A shared apprehension of the organization’s ends and aims An recognition of the significance of diverseness in lending towards expertness. A clear and shared comprehension of the function of professional pooling of accomplishments and cognition within the organisation. Reference Trompenaars. F. . A ; Hampden-Turner. C. ( 1998 ) . Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding Cultural Diversity in Global Business. New York: McGraw Hill.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Arguments for and Against Juvenile Courts

Arguments for and Against Juvenile Courts Introduction In the United States we have two parallel systems that deal with individuals that commit crimes and or offenses against society. First we have the criminal justice system, a court which deals with adults who commit various crimes. Secondly, we have the juvenile justice system, a court designed especially for minors and is generally thought to help rehabilitate the offender. The salient difference between these two systems, as Mitcheal Ritter puts it, â€Å"is the use of distinct terminology to refer to their similar procedures. State and federal legislatures intended this terminological variation to avoid stigmatizing children as â€Å"criminals† and to dissociate the juvenile system from the criminal justice system† (Ritter 2010, 222). The major issue I intend to look at it is whether or not we should abolish the juvenile justice system. First, we will look at the position of keeping the current system, why it needs to stay in place, and why in the long r un it is the most beneficial to the juvenile. Second, we will examine the research of Barry Feld, one of the most influential advocates on why it needs to be abolished because of the lack of constitutional rights that a juvenile does not receive while being tried under the Juvenile justice system. Thirdly, I will be looking at each party’s positions and critiquing it to see it what the strong and weak points are. Finally, I will present my own opinion on whether to keep it, abolish it, or create a whole new system altogether. Presentation of Position A: Do Not Abolish the Juvenile System To try a juvenile in adult court is by no means the right decision. In this section we will look at evidence and arguments on why the juvenile justice system should not be abolished. Juveniles are different from adults and therefore should not be allowed to stand trial in the criminal justice system. Children are not well enough developed mentally, as compared to an adult, to be tried in the adult correctional system. This is why many people take the stance, â€Å"no way should we get rid of the juvenile justice system.† The â€Å"director of the state’s (Washington) Bureau of Juvenile Detention Services is seeking to keep 16- and 17-year-old offenders out of the state’s criminal justice system† (McNeil 2008). To lock up a child in an adult correction facility is by no means the right idea even if they are â€Å"separate† from the adults. If a juvenile commits an â€Å"adult crime† like robbery, theft or in most cases drug crimes, a quick fix is to incarcerate that individual in an adult prison to punish him and protect society. While this may work for adults, it is inappropriate for a youth. Advocates argue that we must keep the juvenile justice system because â€Å"many studies also have found that significantly harsher punishments are meted out to juveniles in adult court when compared with juveniles in juvenile court, parti cularly for serious or violent offenses† (Kurlycheck and Johnson 2010, 727). Sending a juvenile to adult court at such a young age can be problematic for the child, because the court wants to be strict with the child by showing them that their behavior will not be tolerated and because in adult court the child will miss out on educational and rehabilitative programs more readily available in juvenile detention facilities. Kurlycheck and Johnson argue that â€Å"Juvenile courts are characterized by disposition options that fundamentally differ from adult courts in their symbolic meaning, punitive and treatment alternatives, and punishment goals† (2010). In a study in Pennsylvania, Kurlycheck and Johnson compared a sample of juveniles tried in juvenile court with juveniles who were transferred to adult court and showed that the adult courts were harsher on the juvenile: â€Å"On average, their sentences were 80 percent more severe than for their young adult counterpartsà ¢â‚¬  (Kurlycheck and Johnson 2010, 729).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Financial managment project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Financial managment project - Essay Example TAQA is operating in a multi-billion-dollar global market oil and energy market. As a result of this, the financial performance of TAQA is determined by the trend in the global market. Lately, the price of oil has been erratic, and this has also affected the economic standing of many oil companies worldwide, TAQA inclusive. Some of the major competitors of TAQA are Shell, Chevron, British Petroleum, and Exxon Mobil. These financial analyses will unravel the suitability of TAQA for investment as it reveals the level of profitability, durability and the benefits any future investors could gain by putting their hand-earned money on the company. (I) Level of Profitability: From the fiscal year 2007 to 2009, Abu Dhabi National Energy Company demonstrates a healthy level of profitability. This observation can be supported with the following data: In 2007, TAQA’s average profit margin was 0.12, and its returns on equity was approximately 0.12. These are encouraging figures because 2007 was a terrible year in the energy market. It was the period the oil price shot up to the sky and made energy business almost seemed unprofitable. However, TAQA was able to have an appreciable return on assets that worth 0.015. The following year (in 2008), TAQA’s profit margin increased considerably to 0.19, and its returns on equity did a lot better coming to 0.2, while the returns on asset surprisingly came to 0.02. These results indicate the fact that the profitability of TAQA increases every year. Although, the year 2009 is different because the financial crisis that began in the United States also affected TAQA, bringing its profit margin down to 0.01, its returns on equity plummeted to 0.014 and its returns on assets shrank to 0.001. However, there is every possibility that once the financial crisis is over, TAQA will be abl e to rebound to its profitability level. (ii) Degree of Solvency: The analyses

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Immigration to the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Immigration to the United States - Essay Example Rather than live as de facto slaves on European estates they moved to America where they could be free. There were clear implications for America, but often obscured ones for Europe too. Another important point that Handlin makes in Chapter 1 involves the process of what can only be called natural selection. The passage from Europe to America was a harsh one. Only the stronger survived it. He writes that the features that allowed for success were more than physical; the ability to adapt mentally and socially were vital. Also in Chapter 1, Bodnar takes issue with the notion that immigrants had a monolithic approach to adapting to the new American life. Every individual and family found their own path. Some called themselves Americans right away and embraced the American capitalist ethic. Others spent generations finding their place. Similarly, as is explained dramatically in Chapter 2, Africa changed too because of â€Å"immigration† to America. Coastal Africans were abducted a nd sailed far across the sea to other lands. It is hard to know due to the dearth of information how this effected these African communities, but the consequences must surely have been devastating.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Inter-organizational Cooperation Essay Example for Free

Inter-organizational Cooperation Essay The fundamental principle of a resonance inter-organizational cooperation is that an agency must give up something in order to get something else in return. The cooperation of local or international organizational is fostered to ensure that both organization benefit from each other. The inter-organizational attraction brought about by trust plays a big role in helping such collaborations to achieve their goals. Paying much attention on developing leadership styles that will promote effectual and collaborative value chains through building of a closer relationship which comprises of trust, commitment, cooperation, and coordination needed between organization members guarantees success of the alliance. Inter-organizational cooperation has continued focusing on leadership as the key for its success. A clear leadership of a focal organization accounts for a stable alliance by guaranteeing legitimacy and authority within the alliance. Effective leadership helps to deal with social, economic and environmental concerns within the inter-organization (Ebers, 1999). In addition, the inter-organization cooperation are increasingly focusing on leadership so as to ensure coordination by merging resources to achieve new things and address common issues through group decision making. Consequently, the leadership behavior of adapting to the competitive global environment through inter-organizational cooperation rather than competing in an adversarial manner ensures survival of the collaboration. This can be attained through impacting leaders with supply chain management skills so that they may be able to establish and maintain effective inter-organizational networks. Proper investment in leaders will ensure that the desired business results are met given that leaders will facilitate an open exchange of proposals which will foster collaboration. Examples include; Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), International Labor Organization (ILO) and Consortia and Enduring Construction firms in the U. S.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Shelley Jacksons Patchwork Girl Essay example -- Shelley Jackson Patc

Shelley Jackson's Patchwork Girl Patchwork Girl, a hypertext vision sewn together by Shelley Jackson, is a story and an account of the creation of a monster and the relationship the mind has with the monster within the technical boundary of lexia. The monster metaphorically was originally created by Mary Shelley in Frankenstein, but has now resurfaced in a layered identity with an opposing forum of complexity. Jackson has designed her version of the timeless tale from the female perspective by offering the reader not only a facet into the monster’s mind, but that of Mary’s, the girl’s, and of the author’s, which accounts for three female angles of perception. Through each narrative voice (and/or lexia), the reader discovers the psychological nightmare of mental maturity and the pains of achieving the ultimate sense of creativity or life. For Mary it is the obsession of the creation of life and the dedication to keep a promise, while for the girl and the monster it is the aspect of finding the understanding and acceptance in a stitched life. However, for Shelley Jackson the nightmare is the hyper literary challenge of stitching together thought and creation in fictional prose to show the relationship of mother to child or writer to the word by the means of technology. The Hypertext fiction Patchwork Girl is offered with three primary story lines in lexia story format, which is effectively connected or stitched together to reveal the lives of Mary, Shelley, the girl, and the monster from the creative impulse of the mind’s imagination visually represented in a non-linear string of links. As the reader or in this case user enters the hypertextual world of Shelley Jackson’s words, the initial question, "Where should I begin," ... ...readers or audience a compelling story, visual stimulation, various inter-linked story progression, unlimited path access, complex thematic motives, and unpredictability of discovery. For these reasons alone, it can be assumed that hypertext fiction will intrigue itself into the spectrum of popular culture and with that establish a longevity, which may surpass previous forms of literary media. Works Cited and Consulted Hayles, N. Katherine. "Simulating Narratives: What Virtual Creatures Can Teach Us." Critical Inquiry 26 (1999): 1-26. ---. "Virtual Bodies and Flickering Signifiers." How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999. 25-49. Jackson, Shelley. Patchwork Girl by Mary/Shelley and herself. Watertown, MA: Eastgate Systems, 1995. Electronic. .

Monday, November 11, 2019

Colonies and Colonizers costums Essay

Although Alexie was a creative writer, his essay uses metaphors in the context of straight forward statements. Only his reference of a fence can be treated so far as a rhetorical statement. This shows how he might still be saying that although he is teaching his fellow people, they are still not open to real education, as he expresses in some of his statements where instead of learning to read and write, some of his students still ought to stay at the back and be indifferent to education as what was their parents’ custom. In fact in the essay’s last paragraph, Alexie expresses his frustration and in some ways, insult to his fellow people. Among colonized nations there is this one behavior that is very evident among them, refusal to learn the practices of their colonizers especially their education (or in other words colonizers teaching the colonies how to be them). Indians had been long standing in the colonies that have refused to learn the ways of the non-Indians. All in all, Sherman Alexie’s essay speaks of frustration and yet hopes—frustration in the fact that his people are not open to education. That the non-Indians don’t always offer their own customs but an opportunity to be fulfilled in one’s life. Alexie’s usage of a Superman not only offers a quick way of learning how to read but a comic relief to the essay. Alexie was arrogant, he was smart, he was able to save his life and now he is trying to save the life and the culture of his people. Works Cited Alexie, Sherman. â€Å"Superman and me†. The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me (1997) McAdam, D. J. â€Å"American Indian Culture and American Society†. D. J. McAdam Where the world goes for free advice. < http://www. djmcadam. com/ojibwe. html>

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Gender wage gaps Essay

Introduction Everyone is entitled to the equal wages for equal work. However, women’s average income has been lower than men’s in nearly all occupation and women in Canada are still far behind the men’s starting line on wage in the labour market. It is one of many parts of gender inequality in Canada, when considering labour market participation in view of gender. I think that the current measures to settle wage discrimination are not effective enough to correspond to market income inequality. That’s why I choose this topic. It is required to think of new alternatives for closing the gap. So I provide a few ways to figure out gender wage gaps. What is the gender wage gap? The gender wage gaps describe the earning differences between men and women on paid employment in the labour market. It can be measured in many ways, but the most common method is to focus on full time and full year wages. It is also able to be measured the gender wage gap on the basis of hourly wages. The most recent Statistics data of Canada shows that the gender wage gap in Ontario is 28% for full time and full year workers. It means that when a male worker is to earn $1.00, a female worker is to earn only 72 cents. When the Pay Equity Act was passed in 1987, the gender wage gap was 36%. It has been reduced gradually over time. The current situation As a result of women have been investing significant time and resources in their education, women now consist of the majority of undergraduate and master’s degree in Ontario. 62% of university undergraduate students in Canada are women. But women still earn less than men in all occupational categories and all educational levels. Although more women than men go to university or college, they don’t always get paid better than men who have the same work. It is particularly embarrassing that the pay gap is grater  for younger generations of women. There is a 39% gap between men and women’s earnings in the ages from 35 to 44. Women account for 60% of all minimum wage workers and the women at low wages are presenting all age groups. This is the reason that poverty follows women after their retirement with women age 65. It’s over twice as likely as men to be low income. The gender wage gap gets wider when women have children and when they have a part-time job. Women having children earn 12% less than women without children. Women’s opportunities for higher wage are limited by the responsibilities of family which they still burden disproportionately. While now the most majority of mothers work in the paid labour force (almost 70% of women having children under five are working), the employment rate of women with children have much lower than men with children. Making less money for their family than men affects significantly them throughout their lives, which could put women and their children at a higher risk of poverty and decrease their income to earn a lifetime and retirement income. The reason of gender wage gap There are several factors that caused the gender wage gap. According to a report by Dr. Pat Armstrong, the gender wage gap is caused by the following three features of Canada’s labour market, which interact to yield substantially lower wage for women. â€Å"That is 1. The majority of women are segregated from men into different work and different workplaces. In Canada, 67% of women work in traditional occupations such as teaching, nursing, clerical, admin or sales and service jobs in 2009. 2. In general, women’s segregated work is paid less than men’s work. The higher the concentration of women, the lower the pay. Women’s skills and competencies are undervalued because of their association with women, as are sectors and industries such as health care and services in which women predominate. 3. Women’s lower pay reflects the systemic undervaluation of women’s work relative to that of men.† Functionalistic perspectives of the gender wage gap Functionalists have the view that inequality is a product of the traditional  division in human societies. In the past, men had a tendency to attend to more external tasks such as working for company or doing government job and women attended to more internal tasks such as those involved in raising child or doing house work. While both kinds of labour are functional and necessary for a society’s survival, the external tasks which were accomplished by men always have been more highly rewarded than the internal tasks made by women. So in functionalism, it was very natural for men to get higher wage than women. However, gender roles and their accompanying inequalities have changed in industrialized societies. Industrialized society made the traditional division of labor less functional. Even though traditional arrangement remains in force in most societies, the traditional labour of division is no longer meaningful today. That means men and women are the same as the part that comprise the social and men are women must be treated equally if they do the same work. So, I think that it is not appropriate to explain the gender wage gap in functionalistic perspectives any more. Solutions of the gender wage gap There are three solutions which I want to suggest for solutions of the gender wage gap. 1. To support working families Although female workers have lower wage than men, their role is very important part of this society. As we know from this sentence â€Å"Women having children earn 12% less than women not having children†, it is important to make circumstances to focus on work in workplace. Governments and companies need to create more family-friendly workplaces and workplace policies especially for women with children. Work places need to consider providing parental leave and paid leave for sickness and family care. It is also necessary to offer high-quality childcare arrangements and encourage the development of more part-time jobs to pay well and to have good benefits. Not only is such policies good for female workers, but it beneficial to the company that want to hire competent female workers. 2. To increase the minimum wages Because the majority of 534,000 minimum wage workers in Ontario are women,  the increasing of statutory minimum wage is necessary to close the wage gap. Increasing the minimum wage to reflect the rising living costs every year reduces poverty and inequality of income. Ontario’s minimum wage has been fixed at $10.25 for three years. The three year fixing brings the effect lowering the income of minimum wage substantially by 7%. So it results in widening the wage gap. To close the wage gap, I think, the best solution is that the minimum wage is to rise as a certain percentage automatically by laws or rules. Even though it is not possible to determine the specific number because of changing economic conditions every year, it is very effective that the minimum wage increasing is controlled by rules. 3. To need detailed analysis the data Although there are sufficient resources to show that female worker tend to work equal and earn less than men, more detailed analyses are needed to settle underlying causes. Governments need to collect and share particular and reliable country’s data from which the respective gender wage gaps of country can be calculated and compared. This would make it possible to find out effective ways of dealing with the problem and to identify possible improvements to existing legal frameworks likely to lead to decreasing significantly in the wage gap. Wage Gap Program The Pay Equity Office started the Wage Gap Program in 2011, designed to examine current compensation data and assess the possibility of gender wage gaps for non-unionized employees in Ontario’s private sector workplaces. Wage gaps can be caused by a lot of factors, one of which relates to wage equity. The Wage Gap Program enables the Office to more precisely direct its efforts for supporting workplaces that appear to have wage equity gaps. At first, the Office conducted the Program by obtaining correction data from employers with over 500 employees. Workplaces with 250 to 499 employees are being examined now and it is expected that by the fall, workplaces with 100 to 249 employees will be contacted. References Gender Wage Gaps and Earnings Ratios in Ontario. (2012, November 21). Pay Equality Commission: Equal Pay For Work Of Equal Value. Retrieved from Blau, F. and Kahn, L. (2007, February). The Gender Pay Gap: Have Women gone as far as they can? Academy of Management Perspectives, pp.1-23. Morissette, R., Picot, G., & Lu, Y. (2013). The Evolution of Canadian Wages over the Last Three Decades (No. 2013347e). Statistics Canada, Analytical Studies Branch. Adshade, M. (2013, January 22). Do women choose lower pay?: The gender wage gap explained. Canadian Business. Retrieved from Armstrong, P. (2008, June). Equal Pay For Work of Equal Value. Expert Report.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Resiniferatoxin Is Much Hotter Than Capsaicin

Resiniferatoxin Is Much Hotter Than Capsaicin The hottest hot pepper is no match for the spicy heat of the resin spurge Euphorbia resinifera, a cactus-like plant native to Morocco. The resin spurge produces a chemical called resiniferatoxin, or RTX, which is a thousand times hotter on the Scoville scale than pure capsaicin, the chemical that produces heat in hot peppers. Law enforcement-grade pepper spray and the hottest hot pepper, the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, both pack a punch of about 1.6 million Scoville heat units. Pure capsaicin comes in at 16 million Scoville units, while pure resiniferatoxin has 16 billion- yes, billion- Scoville heat units. Both the capsaicin from hot peppers and the resiniferatoxin from the Euphorbia can give you chemical burns or even kill you. Resiniferatoxin makes the plasma membrane of sensory neurons permeable to cations, especially calcium. Initial exposure to resiniferatoxin acts as a strong irritant, followed by analgesia. Even though the chemicals may be painfully hot, both capsaicin and resiniferatoxin can be used for pain relief.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Soicial Issues and Warren Court Decisions Essay

Soicial Issues and Warren Court Decisions - Essay Example In addition, immigrants have long faced discrimination in areas such as housing, employment opportunities and education. Moreover, civil rights accords do not incorporate racial minorities such as the disabled, women and homosexuals. Till 1860s, numerous states prevented or restricted women from having their own property. The right of a woman to vote was not protected constitutionally until 1920 when the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified. Anti-gender discrimination campaign commenced with the enactment of 1964 Civil Rights Act came into force, effectively illegalizing any forms of gender based discrimination. As a result, individuals could not be discriminated based on national origin, religion, age and race. Various supreme courts have ruled on the above two issues. A case in point is the Reed v. Reed Supreme Court Drama involving Sally Reed as the appellant and Cecil Reed as the appellee. According to this case, the appellant claimed that the Idaho law favored the appointment for t he mere reason of being male over a woman for purposes of being an administrator of an estate whose owner had died. The decision was made in favor of Sally Reed, the Appellant after finding out that the probate law of Idaho discriminated against women. This ruling was the first in favor of women’s right following the Fourteenth Amendment. ... s states from enacting any law which shall abridge (lessen) the constitutional rights and privileges of citizens of the United States nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law.† The Equal Protection Clause guarantees that individuals in groups of persons or persons in situations that are similar should be equally treated. Ruth Bader Ginsburg the case lawyer and the subsequent judge of the Supreme Court labeled the Reeds case as â€Å"the turning point case.† The state law for the first time was held invalid because it allowed discrimination against women. The U.S Supreme Court in 1857 in the Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. (19How.)393,15L. ED. 691, concluded that the constitution did not find its application to the African Americans as they were not considered to be citizens during the drafting of the constitution. New laws were mandatory after the civil war for purposes of extending former slaves civil liberties. How the Court Decisi ons Affected the Society after the Ruling Reed v Reed was the initial U.S Supreme Court ruling that concluded that laws subjective to gender discrimination were violating the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. Decades after the case ruling, the court utilized the precedence set in the ruling to make rulings eliminating discriminatory laws against women. On the other hand, the ruling also benefitted men as it prevented courts from basing their views on gender generalizations. The constitution’s Thirteenth Amendment was enacted for purposes of making the involuntary servitude and slavery unlawful acts. Moreover, the power to enact laws was handed to the Congress which necessitated the new amendments enforcement. Both the cases had a positive impact in the society. For instance, the women

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Civil Engineering Management Portfolio Assignment

Civil Engineering Management Portfolio - Assignment Example Construction has a long history, almost parallel to the development of civilization. Across the globe, construction is the biggest industry which is churning billions of dollars every year and providing employment to a large workforce - skilled as well as unskilled. As far as the UK is concerned, its output is worth over 100bn a year. It accounts for 8% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and provides employment for around 3 million workers (Vadera, Shriti and Woolas, Phil et al. 2008). Civil Engineering and the associated sub-disciplines are changing rapidly as a result of technology enhancements, growing concerns on local & global environment problems & commitment required to the ecosystem and the overall management system & quality control procedures that collectively comprise of the management portfolio of the profession. The job of a Civil Engineering Project Manager is no longer planning & execution of construction projects but is also linked with commitment to local & global envir onment, the local ecosystem, the society and the overall safety of the infrastructure from the perspective of the workers and the end users. The Management Portfolio thus needs to include all these responsibilities and organized to form an organization structure that can effectively deliver as per all such requirements. The local special interest groups and the legal & statutory system of the nation carry lot of influence on the projects and hence they need to be satisfied effectively by sending to them regular updates & reports and allowing them to audit the proceedings as and when demanded. Hence, every project is expected to comprise of the following management challenges: (a) Health & Safety

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Evaluation week 7 discussion 6310 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Evaluation week 7 discussion 6310 - Assignment Example al, the best method to evaluate the learning is through demonstrations of the oral methods of drug administration to different types of patients depending on their ages, conditions and instructions from the doctor. I will divide the class into several teams of two people each and then using the simulation dummies (where I will have attached notes on each of the â€Å"patient† to be administered drug to), I will monitor and evaluate on how each team performs its instructions (based on what I have taught in class) and then grade them (Billings and Halstead, 2012). The specific method I will use to evaluate is observation. This is the best in this case since the evaluation is based on demonstration and I will be keenly observing step by step what each team is doing based on the instructions and the notes on the patients’ bedsides about the patient. I will then be recording and making remarks about the observations so that I can analyze and explain to each team about their performance in achieving the learning objectives (Oermann, 2009). For each of the learning objectives of your lesson plan, create at least two test questions (or a comparable, specific means of evaluation, such as instructions for an essay assignment) that will adequately elicit whether the learner has achieved that objective. Offer a brief justification for these test questions or other elements—for instance, explain your choice of specific action verbs, or indicate how the instructions are designed to evaluate higher learning or critical thinking. For the first objective about identifying different ways to inculcate positive attitude during the drug administration, the two questions are: is the student portraying a positive attitude when administering the drug? How is the student being able to do that? Just observing whether the student is portraying a positive attitude during drug administration is not a mere reflection that he or she has been able to inculcate positive attitude and it is

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Depend on the movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Depend on the movie - Essay Example The idea of human inner fear to look differently and stand out against a background is shown in the Japanese movie â€Å"Shall We Dance?† by Masayuki Suo. This film tells a story about happily married accountant, who starts to feel himself discontent with his current life. Everyday for Shohei Sugiyama seems to be a little piece of routine, which he knows by heart. Getting tired of insipid life, he enrolls in a dance school. Mr. Sugiyama’s doubts and embarrassments of his new liking can be seen in episode, when he reads an article about waltz stealthily from his family. The prejudice of being unconceivable for others compels him to keep in a secret his new hobby. It seems to Shohei that it is abnormal to go for dancing, when you are a grown-up and so serious person as he is. However, interest and desire to change something in his life conquers all inconveniencies. From the first minutes of watching this movie you can conclude that Shohei is rather successful person, havi ng nice work position, family, good relationships with wife. But the thing is that Mr. Sugiyama faces the situation, when his days turn into casualty without any changes and suddenly the man begins to feel depression and aggravation.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Traditional Malay House

The Traditional Malay House This study is to analyze the modern traditional vernacular Malay house. How is the origin Malay house being transform into modern vernacular houses and what is the effect of contemporary materials. The kampong Baru is located in the capital city of Malaysia, Kuala lumpur. This is a reserved area for the Malay ethnic groups. From the case study will found out the climatic effect of using contemporary materials in the traditional Malay house by the following questions: 1: How is the climate of Malaysia? 2: How did the climatic factors of Malaysia influence the design of the traditional vernacular Malay house? 3: How did the traditional vernacular Malay house being modernization? 4: What are the climatic effects on the modern vernacular Malay house? Introduction In this paper, is to study and analyze the influences of Malaysia climatic factors on the design of the traditional vernacular Malay houses. Basically it is part of the research on the climatic effects on the contemporary construction materials in the traditional vernacular Malay houses in Malaysia. The study is more focused on the adaption of the local climate on the traditional vernacular Malay houses and how the building was transformed into modern vernacular Malay houses through the modernization process also the effects of using modern construction materials in the modern vernacular Malay houses. During the early 20th century, modernization and colonization periods the British had brought multiracial immigrants into Malaya. Then, Malaysia defines as a multiracial country that included Malays, Chinese, Indian and others. During the colonization period, multiracial group is staying separately. The majority staying in countryside mostly is Malays group and the Chinese and Indian were staying in the city. The Malay racial group depends heavily on the environment. Villages can be established even a single traditional Malay house and the additional houses came later. Normally, the buildings that built closely together were usually family members. The most significant characteristics of traditional vernacular Malay house are the adaption natural climatic factors in Malaysia. The traditional vernacular Malay house defines as a richest component of Malaysia cultural heritage. The buildings built with local materials and local techniques. Mostly, the occupant will participated in the process of design and construct, it is to manifest the aesthetic skills of the Malays. The site planning of the building based largely on Islamic beliefs and its environment. The layout was split into two parts, front and back yards. Obviously, front part will be the welcoming guest area and it is decorated with different types of ornamental plants and flowers. Back yard is the area linked to kitchen and washroom and it is placed near water, as the kitchen needs intense water usage. The marital status also reflected the architectural style of the building because of the Islamic beliefs. The house form had developed and modified over a long period to satisfy most of the cultural, occupants needs and circumstances changes. The traditional Malay houses are bamboo or timber houses raised on stilts (timber). The building mostly is a post and lintel structure with timber or bamboo walls and a thatched gabled shape roof. There are always large openings on the sides of the building to providing good ventilation. From a distance the traditional Malay house seems to integrate naturally with the environment. The large gabled shape roofs, dominates the low walls and with different orientations and sizes created an interesting visual form. Overall the Malay house is designed to cater the local climatic factors by various ventilation and local materials that are low thermal capacity materials. Besides the well adaption to the environment, the design of the traditional Malay houses are flexible is to cater the needs of user and it evolved a building system called prefabricated. Th e building has developed a sophisticated addition system that allows the building can be easily extended with the needs of the occupants. There were various traditional Malay house forms can be found in Peninsular Malaysia. Normally, they classified based on the shapes of roof. The basic forms of Malay house are called the bumbung panjang, bumbung lima, bumbung limas and bumbung perak. The most common design of the Malay house form was bumbung panjang that with a simple long gable roof, supported by the main posts. The bumbung panjang is the simplest one of the four roof shapes and it is an oldest identified in Malaysia. The bumbung panjang form became most popularity used on the Malay house among the poorer users and those built the buildings by themselves. Due to the bumbung panjang house form, it is simplicity and become a very efficient roof shape for the building. Mostly the material used for the bumbung panjang is attap. Attap is a thatch covered and tied together with nipah and others palm trees that can easily found in the local area. The simple funnel shape of bumbung panjang roof is a very efficient in ventil ation properties. The roof can cools the house effectively is because of using the ventilation grilles at the ends of the gable called tebarlayar and the ventilation joints to provide better ventilation. Besides the bumbung panjang, the bumbung lima, bumbung limas, and bumbung perak are all not origin tradition roof shapes, it has modified and developed through foreign influence. Furthermore, the bumbung lima Malay house always with a hipped roof, the bumbung perak Malay house form always with a gambrel roof and the bumbung limas house always with a pyramidal roof. Hence, they are two type of houses believed that were influenced by Dutch and British architecture during the colonization. Lastly the bumbung perak house form also known as the bumbung potongan Belanda which is a type of Dutch roof and it is a famous roof in East Coast. Originally, spaces in traditional Malay houses can be separated into front part and back portion. Therefore, the core house (rumah ibu) or main area must be at the front and the kitchen (Dapur Rumah Tengah) area will be on the back portions of the house. The selang is a closed walkway covered by leaves and used to be a linking device for the front and back portions. The selang is providing good ventilation and natural sunlight entering the house. Besides the location of the side entrance to the kitchen, it is also a space for womenfolk to socialize and chat. Most of the traditional Malay houses entrance there will be a covered porch called the anjung that acts as a transition place between the private and public spaces. The anjung will only used to entertain the unfamiliar visitors and it is a favorite space for the users to chat and rest. This floor was approximately 0.5 to 1 meter lower than the rumah ibu floor level. Beside the anjung was a hanging verandah (serambi gantung) wher e most of the guests will be entertained here and it is a one step down from the main house around 15 centimeters. The openings in the serambi gantung provide good views to outside and allowing natural ventilation entering the place where usually occurred daily activities. At the serambi gantung area can easily observed the embellishments like carving and grill of openings, balustrades and wall panels. Next to serambi gantung was the rumah ibu, which is the core area and it is the largest area and can defined as multi purpose area for most activities were conducted here. The rumah ibu floor level was the highest and cleanliness area white the kitchen (dapur) was the lowest level and untidy area of the house. The main characteristics of traditional Malay vernacular houses are it is well designed to cater the Malaysia climate. From the Malay houses we can notice it is designed with a very good understanding for nature. In the traditional Malay societies, the villagers were directly obtain most of the resources from the natural environment for theirs building materials, food and medicines. To understand better on the influences of local climatic factors on the Malay houses, must first understand the local climate, thermal requirements comfort and the conditions of the environment that the building will build. Malaysia is located in central South-East Asia and has a tropical weather. Due to the latitude and longitude, it gives Malaysia a warm humid equatorial that influenced by monsoonal climate. The monsoon climate here comes twice a year, the first monsoon season comes during the summer season and the other comes during winter season. The differences between the two monsoon season are summ er season bring lots of rainfalls and winter monsoon does not brings rain and is generally dry. The annual rainfall was averaging 80 inches to 100 inches. Furthermore, the climate here gives hot summer and high humidity throughout the year. The temperature here holds around 24 Celsius to 34 Celsius, which gives warm days and fairy cool nights. The annual humidity level was averaging about 75% or above. The high humidity climate causes the very high water vapour in the air. It can filter the solar radiation but it also speeded up the rotting, and the growth of algae. The local wind only comes in from northeast and southwest these two directions. Normally winds are in low variable speed, high variable speed wind will only occur when rain. Hence, the local climatic factors here were high temperatures, humidity and solar radiation. Based on the local climatic factors the building built here should able to achieve the thermal comfort. Therefore, rain, floods and strong winds must be control to achieve thermal comfort in Malaysia Malay houses. For thermal comfort, heat will produce from the human activities and metabolic process. The metabolic process will balance and maintain the body temperature (37celcius). The heat will release during the metabolism process of conversion of good into energy. The heat loss through convection, conduction and radiation can be negligible is due to the local temperature are almost same as the body temperature. Similarly, the perspiration is reduced and the body temperature is decreasing because of the high humidity. The saturated air envelope blocks the evaporation from the human body and it is easily form especially in humid climate. In the building ventilation is important because air fl owing can removed the saturated air envelope in order to accelerate evaporation. Similarity, a building without any ventilation, it will increase the temperature and humidity to an uncomfortable conditions. The main sources of body heat gaining are the local climatic factors conduction from the building fabric. Direct solar radiation is the main sources of body heat gaining, thus the proper design of controlling the direct solar radiation entering the building is the most important to achieve thermal comfort. Besides that, the type of materials used is one of the major sources because the high thermal capacity materials will absorbed heat and emitted to the interiors buildings. Therefore, heat gain from solar radiation must be minimized and maximized the ventilation in order to achieve the human thermal comfort in the house. Obviously, the traditional Malay vernacular house is well local climatic control building and it also influences by the local climatic factors. A local design of Malay house must have the following factors must raised up on stilts (timber), large opening on side, use low thermal capacity building materials (wood,timber,rattan,bamboo), controlling the direct sun radiation, a long thatched steep gable roof by attap , site planning and site layout. From the design of traditional Malay vernacular house, it is a very appropriate design to cater the tropical climate of Malaysia and it is more suitable to the Malaysia climate compared to the modern brick house. The raised up floor in traditional Malay house is maximizing the ventilation in the house as well as preventing the monsoonal rain floods. The raised floor is hardly seen in most modern house and the quality of openness in the building is shown by the voids in its window, ventilation grills, the open raised up bottom and the open int eriors. There are various features providing effective ventilation in Malay house. The purpose of elevated the floor on stilts is to catch high velocity of winds and the interiors with minimum partitions is to maximize the cross ventilation occur in the building. Normally, full-length opening and fully adjustable windows or louvers will surround the traditional Malay house. The carved panels on the top of the windows and wooden grilles also an important ventilation device. Behind the ventilation, the craving on wooden panels controlled the glare entering the house and it also representing the Islamic scripts. There are two effective ventilation devices on a simple gable roof. They are the sail-like gable-end (tebar layar) of the roof and the ventilation joints called patah both are very effective ventilation to direct air to ventilate the roof space. The houses in village are randomly arranged and planting the tree wisely around the house to allow natural flow through the building a nd integrated harmoniously with nature. The Malay house mostly built far apart for future extension to fulfill the needs of occupant. In the traditional Malay house, there are more voids than mass and it is a lightweight construction using natural materials to cater the local climate. The natural materials define as low thermal capacity materials and it is a very good in insulating. The long thatched roof with large overhands in traditional Malay house has reduced the solar radiation and it also designed to reduce direct sunlight. The low walls and large overhangs in Malay house, it make the shading easier and reduced the solar radiation also the glare from he open skies. Besides providing good shading, the large overhangs also gives protection against driving rain. The walls and overhangs have allowed the windows to be open in different situation weather. In addition, the external environment of Malay house mostly covered and shaded with trees or vegetation. This provides a cooler environment and lessened the reflective of glare for the house to set in. Traditionally, most of the Malay houses are oriented to face East-West for religious reasons and reduces direct exposure to heat from direct solar radiation. Nowadays, most of the traditional vernacular Malay houses are being transforming into modern Malay house throughout the modernization period. The Malay houses were modernized due to the stress from urban redevelopment and sociality changes. The new Malay houses has different spatial layout also the used of construction materials and technique. Based on the case studies, the Malay houses in the kampong bharu were transformed the roof, wall, pillar and window. The external environment has also changes is hardly to see high and tall trees only short trees are planted there due to the limited space of the compound. The short and small trees also blocked most of the natural airflow passes through the house. Besides the changes of external environment, the interior of Malay houses was transformed into more walls to divide the rooms and spaces. The cross ventilation and natural air movement were reduced due to the mass partitioning walls inside the house. As I mentioned above, the roof is the most significant feature because the Malay house were categorized based on their roof types. The Malay house in the kampong mostly used bumbung panjang compared than the other 3 types of roof. This is because the type of roof is easier to construct and cheaper. From the site I have found some houses actually using different roof for theirs main and secondary roofs. The most famous combination types of roof in kampong are bumbung perak with bumbung panjang and bumbung panjang with bumbung panjang. The long gable steep roof has become gentler for the sloping degrees and regarding the tebar layar on the gable ends of the roof were modified the design or closed with wall panels. Traditionally, attap or wooden shingles were the main materials of the roof but generally now modern construction materials were often used than the traditional materials. Besides the transformation of roof, the walls and the openings also modified due to introduce of new arc hitecture during the colonization period. The traditional wall is made by bamboo and the traditional arrangements of wallboard were totally modified. The shuttered windows on the wall are one of the significant features to show the characteristic of Malay house. The faade of the Malay house can be separated into 3 parts, the carved wooden panels providing better ventilation mostly at the top part above the window, while the window or adjustable louvers always built at the middle and bottom parts. There are some Malay house walls still using the timber board but in the modern construction brick walls are replaced the traditional bamboo or timber board wall is due to the maintenance and long lasting problems. There are 3 main types of windows such as the short window (tingkap), the tall window (jendela) and the punched window. The aesthetic wooden balustrades behind the windows are being used for safety purposes. In origin of window pattern, the jendela and tiangkap window have a key feature to classify the windows pattern called Jenang pintu. Although, the windows in Malay house has the traditional elements but the proportion of the window has modified to slimmer and became closer of the gap between the windows. The western punched glass window was adopted modern glass louvers to maximizing the ventilation while maintaining the safety of the house. The traditional stilts are no longer in use since pillars are a very important structural to support load from the house. In general, the brick and reinforced concrete pillar were often used, with the increasing of concrete pillar heights spaces of underneath became more efficient. In the modern vernacular Malay house only used concrete pillars and the underneath is usually walled to fulfill the needs of user. The transformation of wooden pillars to concrete pillars is due to the concrete pillars is more suitable for supporting the loads. After brought in the modern construction materials like zinc, cement, brick, glazing and aluminum louvers window into traditional Malay house has modified the traditional house forms and side effects of the high thermal capacity materials. The high thermal capacity materials are not suitable in local climate example like the zinc and asbestos roofs in Malay houses are generated more noise during the rains fall and gives a very hot interiors during the day. Besides the climatic effects the used of modern materials also causes the diminishing of traditional aesthetic skills and techniques of creating the complicated thatched attap roof. Other than used of zinc and asbestos materials, the bricks, cement and concrete are better materials use for creating walls especially the wet area parts and stronger structures for the house. Some of the Malay house has a closed underneath to create the house to double-storey house. Such change has transformed the light and airy Malay house into solid looking building. The full-length wooden window has been replace by the adjustable glass louvers window with aluminum frames. The louvers window has modified the traditional windows into smaller and closed the bottom part of the window. It causes the less efficiency of ventilation. The iron bar in louver window is for safety purpose but it totally destroyed the quality of openness in traditional Malay house. Throughout the studies, the traditional vernacular Malay house was design to cater the local climate and it is one of the richest components of Malaysia cultural heritage. Besides the adaption of local climatic factors the houses also reflected the Islamic belief. The houses were developed and modified until it satisfies the user. Based on the research they are various house form in Malaysia, they only can be classified based on the roof types. Overall the traditional Malay house was adapted to the local climate and it is design such as random spatial layout, raised up floor, full-length windows and high-insulated roof. The shading tress and vegetation around the house also helps to cool down the temperature in the house. The orientation of house facing to east and west was influences by the religions reason and it helps reduced the direct sun light radiation. In the modern vernacular Malay house was transformed and modified to fulfill the needs of occupant but it still maintained the traditional roof shapes. The used of modern materials was directly changed the house form and brought climatic effects into the house. Secondly, introduce of modern materials the lightweight construction Malay house has transformed into more solid looking building and it also causes the diminishing of traditional skills. Overall, the sustainably in modern vernacular Malay house was transformed and also the traditional house forms were changed.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Code of Ethics :: essays research papers

Code of Ethics As a law enforcement officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the constitutional rights of all men to liberty, equality and justice. I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and to be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed both in my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my department. Whatever I hear or see of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty. I will never act officiously or let personal feelings, prejudices, animosities or friendships to influence my decisions. With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law cautiously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employ unnecessary force or violence and never accepting gratuities. I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and I accept it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of the police service. I will constantly strive to achieve the objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession-Law Enforcement. Most important elements: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  to safe-guard lives and property: It is very important that police officers try to protect their citizens to the very best of their ability. Also it is important that the also protect our property and belongings. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  respect the constitutional rights of all men to liberty: Our constitutional rights are very important, and it is important to say that if we do not have our rights we might as well not have anything. Without these rights no one is equal. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  maintain courageous calm in the face of danger: I think that this is very important, police officers must not bring their family problems on the job with them. Doing this will only cause more problems for both his occupation and his family life. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I will never act officiously or let personal feelings, prejudices, animosities or friendships to influence my decisions: This is also very important because letting your personal life interfere with you and your work can only bring problems.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Intrapersonal effectiveness

Definite aim, vision and repose are three attributes out of a long list that have been deemed â€Å"Qualities that make ordinary people extraordinary' Monsoon, M. C. And Hager, P , 2008). As a result, in this portfolio, I will conduct an indented analysis of my own interpersonal strengths and weaknesses in relation to those attributes that are likely to assist me in my perusal of success, and those attributes that are likely to assist me in my own career path as an investment banker.More specifically, I will be focusing on a reelection of my interpersonal effectiveness using the NEO ‘PIP measure of personality and associate these to my life experience. In conjunction to this, I also identify how I intend to build such attributes in regards to my career goals, which will be done in relation to the â€Å"SMART† criteria. 2. Interpersonal Effectiveness The definition of interpersonal effectiveness is given as ‘understanding yourself (and your goals, strengths, weakne sses, style and biases) and improving self-management skills, such as time management and stress management. (De Janis, Wood, Gotcha, Dodd & Schneider, 2006, p. 3). The detailed intricacies of interpersonal effectiveness will be cross examined through the use of the Big Five, a highly accurate hero based on the personality and performance of an individual. 2. 1 The Big Five An individuals personality can be defined as â€Å"the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make a person unique. It arises from within the individual and remains fairly consistent throughout life†, (Genera Cherry, 2014).Personality is commonly seen as being made up off number of attributes which can be defined as vast dimensions on which people vary, such as conscientiousness. Knowing which category we fit into in regards to major personality traits is likely to aid us in our pursuit to reach our personal and professional goals. Many contemporary personality psychologists beli eve that there are five basic dimensions of personality, often referred to as the â€Å"Big five† personality traits.The five broad personality traits described by the theory are extroversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neurotics, (Genera Cherry, 2014). It has been observed over time that certain personality traits can result in greater success in life on both a personal and professional level. In relation to investment banking, personality traits such as being resilient, charming and flexible have all been shown to align with 2. Analysis and reflection of results My personality test scores (see Table 1 below) show that I am high in extroversion and conscientiousness but low in Neurotics.This result labels me as an individual whose traits include characteristics such as excitability, sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness and high amounts of emotional expressiveness in the extroversion category, and high levels of thoughtfulness, with good impulse cont rol and goal- directed behaviors in the conscientiousness (Costa & McCrae, 1999). From both my personal and professional experience, I can see a strong connection between the rats of a extroversion and conscientiousness individual and myself.In the past I have been regarded as social and assertive (almost overpowering), but also a friend who is willing to help others solve their personal problems, all of which are characteristics of extroversion and conscientiousness. In terms of neurotics, I also feel as if the low score was an accurate scaling for me as I am a very positive young member of society who is blessed with the opportunities and success that life has presented me with so far. Table 1.NEO-PIP Results Dimension My score Neurotics 15/50 Extroversion 43/50 Openness to Experience 9/50 Agreeableness 27/50 Conscientiousness 35/50 that I do poses extroversion qualities which will help me in my pursuit to become a successful investment banker, but I also poses qualities such as c ompassion and thoughtfulness which might pull me back, (Sarah Butcher, 2013). Investment banking can be a cut throat industry where your personal decisions can determine the future of hundreds of peoples Jobs. If I let my conscientious traits get in the way of the bigger picture, I might not be able to perform at the top of the league.Although it might be perceived as a negative attribute, it is possible that to be successful in my reflections career, I need to learn to be less compassionate and let situations take on there natural course without trying to fix them myself. I plan on doing this by goal setting using the SMART criteria, and Kola's experiential learning theory. 2. 3 Goal setting My personal goal is to improve on the core elements of the trait â€Å"conscientiousness†, but rather than trying to increase my depth in this field, I intend to decrease my score on the NEO ‘PIP test over a period of twelve months.By doing so I will score low in all traits except Extroversion, which is where I need to be to excel and match the resonantly of a successful investment banker. By using SMART goals and experiential learning theory (Kola, 1984), I believe that I can set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely goal of decreasing my conscientiousness to a score of below 25 on the NEO ‘PIP test. I aim on doing this by actively implementing a reflective learning method that will decrease amounts of sympathy, compassion and the need to solve issues that don't directly affect me.I will implement this plan using Kola's experiential learning theory (Salesman, C. K. , & Rider, E. A. (2008). This involves; 1. Understanding the importance f emotional intelligence in all aspects of life. 1. 1 . Self-awareness: Understanding and mastering my own emotions and being aware of their origins. 1. 2. Self- management: knowing my boundaries, only get involved in situations that will directly affect my personal and professional performance. 1. 3. Soc ial awareness: Becoming familiar with recognizing hierarchy within groups and knowing when to take control of a situation. . 4. Relationship management: Learning the ability to become unanimously liked by social groups, manage conflict, inspire and influence people to communicate clearly. 2. Join a real work group in a study area with a clear performance goal. 3. Incorporating communication strategies in the first group meeting, including 3. 1 Not blindly rejecting opinions or options that seem weak or lack creativity. 3. 2 Not forcing my ideas onto others, use â€Å"l suggest† or â€Å"l propose†. 4.Examining my behavior and performance by creating a reflective Journal at the end of each meeting, and seek constructive criticism to enhance my learning procedure and gain a higher understanding of the impression I leave behind. 5. Reflecting on my overall performance of the process and repeating all steps in a second work rope if necessary. Throughout this portfolio, I h ave reflected on my interpersonal attributes, and have set specific SMART goals to solve the primary imperfection identified (higher levels of conscientiousness than needed for an investment banker).First, I assessed my interpersonal effectiveness through the use of the Big Five model of personality. Second, I evaluated the likely implications of these attribute scores for both my personal and my professional success. Third, I identified one detailed SMART goal, which focused on decreasing my empathy, compassion and need to resolve issues hat don't directly affect me, and provided a detailed outline to show how I intend to meet this goal.In conclusion, I believe that although decreasing my conscientiousness might mean that I come across as a slightly less caring person, in the long run it will help me achieve my professional goal of becoming a successful investment banker.