Sunday, February 16, 2020

History Lectures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

History Lectures - Essay Example In the years that followed, humans started to come up with ways to develop reliable food supplies through the planting of crops and domesticating of animals (Levack, Muir, Mans, & Veldman, 2010). People began to live longer, and as a result, were able to increase their population. Most people became farmers, increasing food supplies to the point of excess, with which they would trade and barter with others (Levack et al., 2010). With these initial commerce practices, the civilized societies slowly emerged. Around 6000 B.C.E., the picture in Southwest Asia presented that of farming and interactive communities. From these communities, the Sumerians from Southern Mesopotamia, slowly emerged, and they built cities to govern their ways of life (World History, 2007). It is important to note that the existence of these cities were dependent on the ability to control the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers because most of these cities relied on water for their sustenance and for the support of their farms and their livestock (Dellapenna and Gupta, 2008). As in contemporary rule, the traditional Sumerian cities were also ruled by a leader; these cities were controlled by kings. The people from these times worshipped the sun and the moon and sometimes inanimate objects and they built temples to honor their gods. They made a valuable contribution to society with their introduction of cuneiform writing which is now the basic foundations of our current writing and reading (Levack et al., 2010). War and conquest were common themes during these early times. The Sumerians were no exception, as they were conquered by the Akkadian empire (Northern Babylonia which is now a portion of Iraq) (Abrams and Wang, 2003) and made a part of a multi-ethnic empire being exposed to various languages and cultures. Other societies emerged at this time, bringing about the Assyrian and Babylonian cultures. A significant contribution by the Assyrians (later

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Outsourcing and Offshoring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Outsourcing and Offshoring - Essay Example The changes at WW Company are in a bid to achieve 5% economic growth and cut down costs by 5%. The company believes that an incorporation of information technologies will enable it perform competitively in the transportation and distribution industry. In the restructuring process, WW has identified an area in service delivery and customer relationship that would highly benefit the company in achieving its goals. Firstly, the company has identified its existing operational systems as slow and duly lacking in optimal service delivery. Employees in various departments complain of too much work load in accurately feeding the systems with data. They say that the system is error prone due to the fact that most of the input work is done by the employees who are likely to make inaccurate entries. Additionally, employees complain that the existent systems are too slow in execution of tasks, thereby causing a hold up in work management and service delivery. The new changes in IT have seen a range of projects span up at WW. Among the projects includes the development of a Customer Relationship Management Software. Right before the introduction of the changes at WW, the management had a meeting where they decided to change the company’s strategic plan. The changes in strategic planning were essential in that they would suit the new direction that the company was taking, which involved incorporation of information technology. With the introduction of IT at WW, all systems would go upgrades and re-specification so as to ensure that they perform as expected. Additionally, the newly hired Chief Information Officer of WW was expected to introduce technological systems in areas where they had not yet been explored in the company. This includes the newly proposed Customer Relationship Management Software. The proposed project involves